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dimanche 14 août 2011
vendredi 12 août 2011
Video Le-vrai-prix-de-la-fourrure
mercredi 3 août 2011
Plusieurs courriers à envoyer contre la fourrure, il n'y a plus qu'à cliquer...
mardi 26 juillet 2011
Marque prêt-à-porter Sandro
Continuons les courriers, et régulièrement, à cette marque qui fait de
la fourrure de renard :
Seule la ténacité a des chance d'aboutir.
Merci pour les animaux qui souffrent ds les fermes d'élevage (et ceux victimes du piégeage), TOUTE L ANNEE.
Seule la ténacité a des chance d'aboutir.
Merci pour les animaux qui souffrent ds les fermes d'élevage (et ceux victimes du piégeage), TOUTE L ANNEE.

Campagne Marque prêt-à-porter Morgan
Siège Morgan :
124 rue Réaumur
75002 PARIS
Tél : 01 41 25 18 00
Les animaux comptent sur vous !
Ecrivez en masse afin que cette marque cesse la fourrure pour leur prochaine collection automne hiver, il est important d'insister, d'écrire plusieurs fois, et si possible avec vos propres mots.
N'hésitez pas aussi à téléphoner, et ce plusieurs fois par semaine, mais en restant toujours courtois, demandez leur d'en finir avec la fourrure de renard et de lapin, une bonne fois pour toute.
Morgan appartenant désormais au groupe Beaumanoir, voici les emails des personnes concernées, mais n'oubliez pas que les courriers postaux ont plus de poids, et que cette campagne
doit être diffusée au MAXIMUM (forums, FB, etc.. ):
Email général du siège :,,,,,
Récolte sanglante - Le vrai prix de la fourrure - YouTube
FILAND: FUR FARM INVESTIGATION BY ADI ON YOUTUBE---Récolte sanglante - Le vrai prix de la fourrure - YouTube
vendredi 8 juillet 2011
vendredi 24 juin 2011
Envoyer cette lettre pour le Gouvernement Grecq, contre un musée à fourrure en préparation
George A. Papandreou, Prime minister
Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Minister of Culture and Tourism, Paul Geroulanos
Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, George Nikitiadis
Michael Chrisochoïdis, Minister for Regional Development and Competitiveness contact form:
Socrates Xynidis , Deputy Minister of Regional Development and,
Panagiotis Rigas, Deputy Regional Development and Competitiveness
Dinos Rovlias,Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Competitiveness
Press and public relations (agency YPPOT)
Secretary of Culture, Lina G. Mendoni
Office Secretary
General address of Contemporary Culture, Head, Life Kazazaki,
Greek Parliament,
Greek parliament:
ESPA contact form
Dear Prime Minister, Ministers, Deputy Ministers Gentlemen,
Recently learned of the decision of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to join the project titled "Restoration of the mansion Bashar - Creation Museum Fur" and actor in the municipality of Kastoria, inclusion in the Operational Programme (OP) "Macedonia-Thrace 2007-2013" under Article 21, paragraph 8 of Law 3614/2007.
Congratulations on your decision to save the mansion Bashar, a great example of the Macedonians architecture of the 18th century, unlike the right decision, feeling it makes me think the fact that the fur trade sign of civilization! So much so that lets you create museum with exhibits on the fur, that the brutal murder of animals!
Our country can not have from one to the Acropolis and the other a museum fur ... a museum that is in no way identified with the culture but to murder innocent creatures that have proven to have feelings and suffer.
The fur is a product of pain for the sole purpose to satisfy the vanity of man, not living in the Paleolithic Age, but in 2011. It is really challenging the declaration of the Mayor of Kastoria Mr. Chatzisymeonidi, "this important mansion will not only survive, but will also acquire a specific use, it will get new life." Which "new life" refers to the mayor on that wall the house? ... obviously not talking about the millions of corpses fur animals that lived a short and haunting life to make bag, coat, shoes, etc.
I understand. The budget of the project (restoration and museum studies) will reach 2,000,000 million as taxpayer, I find it less challenging and absurd million, Greek taxpayers' money, provide for the fur industry without assent, encouraging the continuation and expansion of this lethal industry and create even museum is dedicated to the history of Greek murderous fur!
In conclusion, the fur is "green" as some claim, we now know that toxic substances are used to process and produced tons of waste from farm animals that harm the environment and in no way a sign of civilization murder zoonpou pass the their lives brutally withdrawn from the wild and go up the self-inflicted in cages.
Therefore as a citizen and taxpayer I feel that the fur can not and symfonona has "its own museum!"
I think a museum is such a shame for our country and teach our children the indifference and violence anti cultural values.
I urge you to immediately review funding and provide the mansion into a truly cultural use within your discretion.
Yours sincerely
- (Gr Minister) / Mesogeion 119, 10192, Athens, Greece /
- Nikis 5-7, 10180, Athens /
- Minister's Office, Director, Mesogeion 119, 10192 Athens, 210 6969710
- Minister's Office, Department of Economy, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332626, 210 3332548, Fax: 210 3332775
- Minister's Office, Commerce Square, Canning, 10181 Athens, Tel: 210 3834965, Fax: 210 3302718
- General Secretary Ministry of Economy and Shipping Mr. John Drymousis, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332902, 210 3332906, Fax: 210 3332390
- Secretary General Investment & Development Mr George Petrakos, Nikis 5-7, Athens 10180,210 3332406, Fax: 210 3332449
- Industry Secretary Alexandros Fourlas Mesogion 119, 101 92 Athens, Tel: 210 6969823, 210 6969824, Fax: 210 6969301
- Secretary of Commerce Mr. Stephen Komninos, Canning Square, 10181 Athens, Tel; 210 3808664, Fax: 210 3803422
Organisation and Foundation Thessaloniki:
Ασημίνα Κουλουκούρη
Assimina Kouloukouri
Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapist
Member of the Northern Greece Psychoanalytic Society
Faculty member of Kerulos Center USA
Tel: 6979780445 (14-16 /22-23.00)

Ψυχολόγοι και Άλλοι Επιστήμονες Υπέρ της Προστασίας Ζώων
Psychologists and Other Scientists for the Protection of the Animals
Μ.Κ.Ο/ N.G.O
Athens Group Coordination
Συντονιστής Εθελοντών Αθήνας
Αντώνης Βικέλης
Antonis Vickelis

Τώρα μπορείς κι εσύ να υιοθετήσεις το δικό σου ανάπηρο ζωάκι. Τα αναπηρα είναι τα καλύτερα ζωάκια!
You too, can now adopt your handicapped pet, they are the best animals ever!
Εαν δέν θέλετε να λαμβάνετε μυνήματα μας παρακαλούμε ειδοποιήστε σε αυτό το mail.
Please if you dont want to receive any other message let us know in this mail.

Στις 20 Ιουνίου 2011 9:52 μ.μ., ο χρήστης Psychanimal psychanimal <> έγραψε:
Hello to all of you,we have bad news here: the ministry of development and competitiveness and the ESPA project have agreed to give 2.000.000 Euros to build a fur museum in Kastoria City in a renovated old house ( they make furs there). PLease help us stop them.Please we need every one of you and your organisations to call,fax,write and give publicity to this bad news so that they maybe change it.Adresses:ESPA contact form
WriteTo:Prime minister George A. Papandreou,Michael Chrisochoïdis sworn Minister for Regional Development and Competitiveness contact form: Minister of Regional Development and Competitiveness Socrates Xynidis,sokratis.xinidis@gmail.comPanagiotis Rigas sworn Deputy Regional Development and Competitiveness prigas@parliament.grDeputy Minister of Regional Development and Competitiveness Dinos Rovlias΄
Square Canning, 10181, Athens, Greece / Tel: 210 3893000 / Fax: 210 3302718E-MAIL SERVICE SOCIETY:
- Mesogeion 119, 10192, Athens, Greece / Tel: 210 6974802-3, Fax: 210 6969604 (Gr Minister) / Tel: 210 6974716-8, Fax: 210 6969710 (Rep. Assoc. Minister)
- Nikis 5-7, 10180, Athens / Tel: 210 3332000 (Rep. Secretary Tel: 210 3332548) / Fax: 210 3332775
- Cabinet Minister, Mesogeion 119, 10192 Athens, Tel: 210 6974802
- Minister's Office, Director, Mesogeion 119, 10192 Athens, Tel: 210 6974752, Fax: 210 6969710
- Minister's Office, Department of Economy, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332626, 210 3332548, Fax: 210 3332775
- Minister's Office, Commerce Square, Canning, 10181 Athens, Tel: 210 3834965, Fax: 210 3302718
- General Secretary Ministry of Economy and Shipping Mr. John Drymousis, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332902, 210 3332906, Fax: 210 3332390
- Secretary General Investment & Development Mr George Petrakos, Nikis 5-7, Athens 10180, 210 3332406, Fax: 210 3332449
- Industry Secretary Alexandros Fourlas Mesogion 119, 101 92 Athens, Tel: 210 6969823, 210 6969824, Fax: 210 6969301
- Secretary of Commerce Mr. Stephen Komninos, Canning Square, 10181 Athens, Tel; 210 3808664, Fax: 210 3803422
- Special Secretary for PPP Nicholas Mantzoufas, Karageorghis Serbia 8, 10184 Athens, Tel: 210 3375750, Fax: 210 3375921
- Special Secretary for Digital Planning Antonis Markopoulos, Nikis 5-7, 10180 Athens, Tel: 210 3332841, Fax: 210 3332850
- Special Secretary for Competitiveness, Mr Manolis Paterakis, Mesogeion 56, 11527 Athens, Tel: 210 7450807, Fax: 210 7450879
Με εκτίμηση, Regards
Organisation and Foundation Thessaloniki:
Ασημίνα Κουλουκούρη
Assimina Kouloukouri
Clinical Psychologist Psychotherapist
Member of the Northern Greece Psychoanalytic Society
Faculty member of Kerulos Center USA
Tel: 6979780445 (14-16 /22-23.00)
Ψυχολόγοι και Άλλοι Επιστήμονες Υπέρ της Προστασίας Ζώων
Psychologists and Other Scientists for the Protection of the Animals
Μ.Κ.Ο/ N.G.O
Athens Group Coordination
Συντονιστής Εθελοντών Αθήνας
Αντώνης Βικέλης
Antonis Vickelis
Τώρα μπορείς κι εσύ να υιοθετήσεις το δικό σου ανάπηρο ζωάκι. Τα αναπηρα είναι τα καλύτερα ζωάκια!
You too, can now adopt your handicapped pet, they are the best animals ever!
Εαν δέν θέλετε να λαμβάνετε μυνήματα μας παρακαλούμε ειδοποιήστε σε αυτό το mail.
Please if you dont want to receive any other message let us know in this mail.
2011/6/20 <>
Messages In This Digest (1 Message)
- 1.
Calls mount for China to boost animal welfare
Posted by: "Judy Reed" theblueberrybelle
Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:16 am (PDT)
AnimalVoicesNews&Alerts! <"Animals have feelings. Only when humans treat animals well can we live in true harmony." > Zhou Zunguo, an executive of the China branch of Compassion in World Farming, a U.K.-based group that campaigns for animal welfare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Source/Letters: Xinhua <> Link: <> Calls mount for China to boost animal welfare BEIJING, June 19 (Xinhua) -- Animal welfare advocates in Asia, who gathered in southwest China for a regional meeting, have called for better protection of animals. Participants at the Asia for Animals Conference 2011, which ended in the southwestern city of Chengdu over the past week, particularly urged the timely passage of China's first comprehensive animal welfare law -- the China Animal Protection Law, which has been shelved at the national legislature since the release of its draft in September 2009. About 100 countries in the world have enacted laws to protect animal welfare, experts say. Mang Ping, a professor with Central Institute of Socialist Studies in Beijing, said abuses on animals commonly exist in the industrial breeding, transport, and slaughter of animals for food in China. "The suffering of animals going through the whole process is beyond imagination," Mang said, adding that animals are reportedly raised with hormone-altering feed by some farm owners hoping to cash in on the rise in the number of full-grown animals for slaughter. Mang said as it will take time for the concept of vegetarian to take roots among consumers, and animal rights advocates should accept reality and promote the idea of animal welfare and its practicability. China's animal activism has been on the rise recently. Pictures and video clips posted on the Internet showing cruel treatment of animals, including bile extraction from black bears, and calves being chased and eaten by lions sparked strong criticism. In April, about 200 people blocked a truck carrying hundreds of whimpering dogs on a Beijing highway to negotiate the release of the ready-to-slaughter dogs after a post on a micro-blog calling for help attracted overwhelming attention. Last year, the mismanagement of animals in Chinese zoos caught the public's attention. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development responded by banning animal performances that were seen as violating the zoo's nature as a non-profit, public interest institute. Lions jumping through rings of fire and black bears riding on a bicycle are included in the ban. "I am happy to see more and more people in China joining us to end animal suffering and promote animal welfare," said Zhou Zunguo, an executive of the China branch of Compassion in World Farming, a U.K.-based group that campaigns for animal welfare. Zhou, one of the key activists in the dog rescue operation in April, said he hopes China's booming middle class, whose life standards have been dramatically raised with the country's rising prosperity, should take the lead in promoting animal welfare. "Animals have feelings," Zhou said. "Only when humans treat animals well can we live in true harmony."
jeudi 9 juin 2011
Les militants de Séoul (Corée) contre Fendi pro fourrure !!
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