"How the little fox saved her coat" ou "Comment la petite renarde a
sauvé sa peau" le livre pour enfants de Rosa de Anti Fur Society :
http://www.littlefoxbook.com/ est publié en version française :
A diffuser largement ! Société Anti Fourrure et Anti Fur Society seront
au Rassemblement pour les Droits des Animaux au Luxembourg
(International Animal Rights Conference) du 13 au 16 septembre :
FB (cliquer sur J'aime) : www.Facebook.com/LittleFoxBook
lundi 25 juin 2012
mercredi 20 juin 2012
Australia: 2012 FUR FREE De la fourrure de chien venue d'Asie (bien souvent des chiens ayant des maitres)étiquetée Lapin....
Australia: 2012 FUR FREE
De la fourrure de chien venue d'Asie (bien souvent des chiens ayant des maitres)étiquetée Lapin, écrivons au Premier Ministre Australien afin de faire renforcer la loi sur les étiquetages mensongers, ainsi que les c...ontrôles, et lui rappeler que 50 millions d'animaux (dont 10 millions de chiens et de chats) succombent pour l'industrie de la fourrure dans le monde chaque année :
To : Jason.Clare.MP@aph.gov.au, Minister.Plibersek@health.gov.au
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600 : http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Justice and Minister for Home Affairs, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Health, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600.
Dear Hon Jason Clare and Tanya Plibersek,
A sting operation by the Humane Society International targeting shops in Sydney and online stores in Melbourne found six items labeled synthetic or rabbit fur actually contained illegally imported dog fur.
They included vests, scarves and a child's bag. source: smh.com.au
In recent months high demand for fur has led to a notable increase in the kidnapping of domestic cats and dogs in China, the biggest exporter of fur in the world, where no laws exist at all to protect animals from abuse. It seems that they will go to any lengths to get animals for the trade, making no distinction between strays and pets, gathering any they can find.
More than 50 million animals suffer and die every year for fur worldwide, including an estimated 10 million domestic cats and dogs.
Although cat and dog fur is banned in Australia, huge quantities are still getting through Customs from Asia, often mislabeled as other species or even as labeled as faux fur.
To satisfy the demand for fur, domestic cats and dogs are stolen in Asia, the largest fur exporter. Consumers in Australia don’t even know they may be buying a product made from someone’s beloved pet.
Therefore I ask you to - direct Customs to properly enforce the law banning cat and dog fur imports into Australia.
- enact legislation to ensure ‘truth in labelling’, making it mandatory to identify the species and country of origin for all fur products.
- make retailers aware there is evidence of illegal and hazardous dog fur products on sale in Australia.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Sincerely,Afficher la suite
De la fourrure de chien venue d'Asie (bien souvent des chiens ayant des maitres)étiquetée Lapin, écrivons au Premier Ministre Australien afin de faire renforcer la loi sur les étiquetages mensongers, ainsi que les c...ontrôles, et lui rappeler que 50 millions d'animaux (dont 10 millions de chiens et de chats) succombent pour l'industrie de la fourrure dans le monde chaque année :
To : Jason.Clare.MP@aph.gov.au, Minister.Plibersek@health.gov.au
The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600 : http://www.pm.gov.au/contact-your-pm
The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Justice and Minister for Home Affairs, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600
The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP, Minister for Health, PO Box 6022, House of Representatives, Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2600.
Dear Hon Jason Clare and Tanya Plibersek,
A sting operation by the Humane Society International targeting shops in Sydney and online stores in Melbourne found six items labeled synthetic or rabbit fur actually contained illegally imported dog fur.
They included vests, scarves and a child's bag. source: smh.com.au
In recent months high demand for fur has led to a notable increase in the kidnapping of domestic cats and dogs in China, the biggest exporter of fur in the world, where no laws exist at all to protect animals from abuse. It seems that they will go to any lengths to get animals for the trade, making no distinction between strays and pets, gathering any they can find.
More than 50 million animals suffer and die every year for fur worldwide, including an estimated 10 million domestic cats and dogs.
Although cat and dog fur is banned in Australia, huge quantities are still getting through Customs from Asia, often mislabeled as other species or even as labeled as faux fur.
To satisfy the demand for fur, domestic cats and dogs are stolen in Asia, the largest fur exporter. Consumers in Australia don’t even know they may be buying a product made from someone’s beloved pet.
Therefore I ask you to - direct Customs to properly enforce the law banning cat and dog fur imports into Australia.
- enact legislation to ensure ‘truth in labelling’, making it mandatory to identify the species and country of origin for all fur products.
- make retailers aware there is evidence of illegal and hazardous dog fur products on sale in Australia.
Thank you for your time and attention,
Sincerely,Afficher la suite
mardi 5 juin 2012
Demandons à la Suède d'interdire l'élevage de visons pour la fourrure (7 Suédois sur 10 souhaitent cette interdiction)
Demandons à la Suède d'interdire l'élevage de visons pour la fourrure
(7 Suédois sur 10 souhaitent cette interdiction), voici les adresses
mail, avec un modèle de lettre, sur la page de la pétition (http://www.change.org/petitions/prohibit-...all-fur-farming-in-sweden) qui se termine le 13 juin :
For more powerful requirements: Send an email directly to the members of the Environment and Agriculture Committee.
Letter proposals:
Current Legislative proposals: 4 a § Minks raised for fur production should be kept in such a way that their need to move, climb, practice their hunting behavior and engage in other chores as well as to periodically be alone can be satisfied. Mink will also have access to water to swim in.
The Government, or authorized by the Government, the Board of Agriculture may issue further regulations on conditions for the keeping of mink for their fur. - Which means that all fur farms in Sweden to shut down because no captivity can give the animals their natural needs
I welcome therefore this requirement, adding that, all fur farming in Sweden is hereby prohibited after 1 January 2013.
Mail addresses of the members of the Environment and Agriculture Committee:
matilda.ernkrans@riksdagen.se, bengt-anders.johansson@riksdagen.se, lars.hjalmered@riksdagen.se, johan.lofstrand@riksdagen.se, rune.wikstrom@riksdagen.se, helen.pettersson@riksdagen.se, johan.hultberg@riksdagen.se, jan-olof.larsson@riksdagen.se, anita.broden@riksdagen.se, sara.karlsson@riksdagen.se, roger.tiefensee@riksdagen.se, pyry.niemi@riksdagen.se, asa.coenraads@riksdagen.se, helena.leander@riksdagen.se, irene.oskarsson@riksdagen.se, josef.fransson@riksdagen.se, jens.holm@riksdagen.se, christer.akej@riksdagen.se, kristina.karlsson@riksdagen.se, linda.arvidsson.wemmert@riksdagen.se, jonas.gunnarsson@riksdagen.se, jenny.petersson@riksdagen.se, anna.wallen@riksdagen.se, lars.beckman@riksdagen.se, gunnar.sandberg@riksdagen.se, nina.lundstrom@riksdagen.se, katarina.kohler@riksdagen.se, staffan.danielsson@riksdagen.se, kew.nordqvist@riksdagen.se, sofia.arkelsten@riksdagen.se, tina.ehn@riksdagen.se, otto.von.arnold@riksdagen.se, mikael.jansson@riksdagen.se, christina.hoj.larsen@riksdagen.se, olle.thorell@riksdagen.se, carina.ohlsson@riksdagen.se, lars.tysklind@riksdagen.se, helena.lindahl@riksdagen.se, richard.jomshof@riksdagen.se, jacob.johnson@riksdagen.se, andreas.carlson@riksdagen.se, roland.utbult@riksdagen.se, rickard.nordin@riksdagen.se, asa.romson@riksdagen.se
For more powerful requirements: Send an email directly to the members of the Environment and Agriculture Committee.
Letter proposals:
Current Legislative proposals: 4 a § Minks raised for fur production should be kept in such a way that their need to move, climb, practice their hunting behavior and engage in other chores as well as to periodically be alone can be satisfied. Mink will also have access to water to swim in.
The Government, or authorized by the Government, the Board of Agriculture may issue further regulations on conditions for the keeping of mink for their fur. - Which means that all fur farms in Sweden to shut down because no captivity can give the animals their natural needs
I welcome therefore this requirement, adding that, all fur farming in Sweden is hereby prohibited after 1 January 2013.
Mail addresses of the members of the Environment and Agriculture Committee:
matilda.ernkrans@riksdagen.se, bengt-anders.johansson@riksdagen.se, lars.hjalmered@riksdagen.se, johan.lofstrand@riksdagen.se, rune.wikstrom@riksdagen.se, helen.pettersson@riksdagen.se, johan.hultberg@riksdagen.se, jan-olof.larsson@riksdagen.se, anita.broden@riksdagen.se, sara.karlsson@riksdagen.se, roger.tiefensee@riksdagen.se, pyry.niemi@riksdagen.se, asa.coenraads@riksdagen.se, helena.leander@riksdagen.se, irene.oskarsson@riksdagen.se, josef.fransson@riksdagen.se, jens.holm@riksdagen.se, christer.akej@riksdagen.se, kristina.karlsson@riksdagen.se, linda.arvidsson.wemmert@riksdagen.se, jonas.gunnarsson@riksdagen.se, jenny.petersson@riksdagen.se, anna.wallen@riksdagen.se, lars.beckman@riksdagen.se, gunnar.sandberg@riksdagen.se, nina.lundstrom@riksdagen.se, katarina.kohler@riksdagen.se, staffan.danielsson@riksdagen.se, kew.nordqvist@riksdagen.se, sofia.arkelsten@riksdagen.se, tina.ehn@riksdagen.se, otto.von.arnold@riksdagen.se, mikael.jansson@riksdagen.se, christina.hoj.larsen@riksdagen.se, olle.thorell@riksdagen.se, carina.ohlsson@riksdagen.se, lars.tysklind@riksdagen.se, helena.lindahl@riksdagen.se, richard.jomshof@riksdagen.se, jacob.johnson@riksdagen.se, andreas.carlson@riksdagen.se, roland.utbult@riksdagen.se, rickard.nordin@riksdagen.se, asa.romson@riksdagen.se
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